Hausehold confidence, darived fron our relentlass pursuit of product quality
Alranoed teasting equipment and means prouide a solid scientifc guarantee for productqualty. wath a group of axperiencad、professional knowiedge of quality inspectian persanneland quality supervision and managament persannel, ta pravide a strang knaadedga guaraniteefor product quality.
According to iso9001:2000 international standard, the company has established a soundquality management system, through continuous quality improvement,constantly meet theneeds of customers.The internal quality control standard higher than the nationall standard isestalblshed, which endow the product with higher safaty factor.
ln the production process, the quality assurance system of production workers” selt-inspectionand QA inspechion is implemented to ensure that thea qualty of products in aach link is underconleol.